5 factors that cause erectile dysfunction in men!

5 факторов, вызывающих эректильную дисфункцию у мужчин!

Erectile dysfunction is a common sexual disorder in men. But ironically, men don’t want to talk about this most important thing, which can directly affect their romantic relationships. If you also suffer from erection problems, don’t worry! You are not alone!

Male impotence or erectile dysfunction occurs due to a variety of factors. Sometimes it’s psychological, sometimes it’s physiological. There are many factors that can cause erectile dysfunction, and today we are going to shed light on this.


Our brain is the most underrated erogenous zone. Stimulation first occurs in our brain, and then goes down. Consequently, depression can play an important role in undermining your sexual arousal. This can lower your libido and lead to erectile dysfunction. Apparently, antidepressants can also suppress your sex drive, making it harder to achieve an erection.

However, if you take medications such as Cenforce or Sildalist, you will never worry about the quality of sexual intercourse.

Cenforce is a drug with high potential, it consists of sildenafil citrate, which helps men achieve an erection during sexual intercourse.


You may have heard this many times, but alcohol abuse can lead to erectile dysfunction. Although you may think that a couple of drinks won’t hurt, but too much alcohol consumption can make it difficult to ejaculate. The good news is that moderate alcohol consumption — one or two glasses of wine — can have health benefits such as reducing the risk of heart disease. Therefore, alcohol consumption should be balanced, and everything will be fine!


Every medication has a side effect, and if you take several pills related to blood pressure, antidepressants and painkillers, then they can affect your ability to get an erection. But do not stop taking medications without consulting your doctor. You can also talk to your doctor about taking ED medications such as Cenforce, which may be effective in treating erectile dysfunction.


Anger is an emotion, and it can be healthy if used tactfully! But in most cases, it does more harm than good. Anger can cause a rush of blood to your face, but not to the place where you need it most when you want to have sex. Unexpressed anger or poor anger management can also be the cause of your boring bedroom story.


Physiological factors include chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, and various diseases. Among them, the most important are cardiovascular, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders, prostate and bladder diseases.

Why not consider all of the above factors for a healthy sexual relationship with your partner? You can also order medicines from our online pharmacy! Order now.