Poxet 30 mg


The package contains 10 tablets.
SKU: 120Category:

Poxet 30 mg (generic drug Priligy) is a drug developed by Sunrise Remedies, one of the world’s largest giants in the field of pharmacology. The therapeutic product is widely used among men in order to slow down ejaculation and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. The active substance of the drug, Dapoxetine, can affect the sympathetic nervous system of a man, which helps to increase the time of sexual intercourse. On average, due to the action of Poxet, sexual intercourse lasts 3-4 times longer than without the use of medicines.

Poxet-30 is available in the form of small tablets for oral administration, coated with a blue color. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to take one tablet before intimacy.

The use of a Poxet helps not only to prolong intimacy, but also to improve the quality of sexual life, normalize the emotional state, get rid of irritability and anxiety associated with problems in sexual life.

Pharmacological action of Poxet

The medicinal product Poxet 30 acts by increasing the intensity of the effect of the chemical serotonin on the postsynaptic membrane. The active substance, rapidly absorbed into the blood plasma, increases the level of serotonin in the central nervous system, selectively restricts oncoming nerve impulses to the brain, prolonging sexual intercourse and preventing premature ejaculation. The result of the action of Dapoxetine is a slowdown in ejaculation and an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse.

Indications for use of Poxet 30

Poxet 30 is prescribed for the treatment of premature ejaculation in men with sexual disorders. The drug can also be used in healthy men in order to delay ejaculation and prolong intimacy.


The drug is contraindicated in persons under the age of 18. It is forbidden to take Poxet for men with nervous system diseases, kidney diseases, heart or liver failure. A contraindication to use is lactose intolerance, as well as the presence of allergic reactions to any component of the drug. Elderly patients should take Poxet with extreme caution.


The drug is available in pharmacies and online stores and is a widely used drug among men seeking to improve potency. It is taken 1-2 hours before the planned sexual activity, regardless of meals, with a tablet washed down with a glass of water. The recommended single dosage per day is 1 tablet of Poxet 30 mg. If the desired result has not been achieved, it is allowed to use another tablet.

On average, the course of use of the drug is 4 weeks, but on the recommendation of a doctor it can be extended.

Side effects

The drug is predominantly safe and does not cause side effects. But, in some cases, associated with excess dosage, the following adverse reactions were observed: sleep problems, nausea, headache, allergic skin reaction. It should be noted that each side effect was of a short-term nature and did not threaten the man’s health.


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